
And the Winners Are…

今年4月29日,19名决赛选手参加了在维尔纳百年纪念中心举行的第四届公众演讲比赛. Mike Basich获得了第一名,Lauren Levinson获得了荣誉 honorable mention.
这次比赛是四年级学生在冬季和春季学期的部分时间里完成的演讲写作和公开演讲课程的高潮. 每个学生选择一个自己选择的主题,然后被要求将其与去年秋天公民参与课程的一个主题联系起来. 例子包括柏拉图的洞穴和“在平凡中看到令人敬畏的东西”.” The speech must be appropriate in subject, content and tone and should reflect a respect for others, for the process, for the course, for the school and for the greater community, according to Todd Eckerson P’09,’11,’17,’21, who teaches the course.
学生们准备了一篇原创的、有说服力的演讲,并提交给他们的班级小组. Following this round of competition, 每个小组的学生由他们的老师和助教选出进入决赛. 今年的比赛有三年级,四年级和教职员工参加.
参加比赛的第三名学生对明年的期望有了一个预览. “我们希望高三学生都能对这门课程感到兴奋,并受到启发,创作出自己难忘的演讲。,” Eckerson said.
合作教师和助教对学生的成功至关重要. They provide one-to-
在每个阶段都提供帮助,帮助学生进行头脑风暴, 绘制他们的演讲图,练习他们的演讲方式.
Basich’s winning speech played off the mantra “Just Do It.他以想象自己在一场势均力敌的足球赛的最后倒计时中拿着球开场:“现在是第四节。, 15 seconds on the clock. The team is down 75 to 76. Game Seven. The ball is in my hand, I’m laser focused.”
Then, his alarm wakes him.
“My phone buzzes me awake under the pillow at 7:58 a.m. 我考虑了每一个可能的现实,我今天如何逃学. Eventually I have to get up. Crawling out of bed, I look in the mirror. 这就是我们受到诱惑的时候,我们必须重新连接我们的大脑,让它去做.”
Lauren Levinson’s 这篇演讲是关于毅力的,是基于她13岁学习骑自行车的经历. “虽然这听起来很俗气,但我学到了一些东西,而不仅仅是用什么齿轮上山. I learned the skill of perseverance,” she said in her speech.
“Through Mr. 在埃克森的课上,我不仅学会了如何在课堂讨论中展示自己, 还有如何将他的课程运用到我自己的日常对话和偶尔的演讲中,” she said. “Having never taken a course like this, 我对怎样才能真正发挥影响力和发表演讲有了全新的理解.”

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